Why You Should Use WordPress To Build Your Website
WordPress went through massive changes since it first appeared, today being one of the most appreciated, popular, and used content management systems worldwide. Without saying anything out of place, WordPress can answer to any type of challenge and can be used for any kind of website. If you need more reasons for realizing that why choosing WordPress development services for your website is the best thing, just take a look below.
1. It is open source free software
It doesn’t cost a dime to download and install WordPress, this is why it is such a great option for startups and small business that don’t have such a large budget. But, don’t have the wrong impression that, because it is free software, it will have a limited set of features and will deliver poorly. WordPress is the amazing result of a very large community of web developers, which constantly work on developing and improving WordPress, so it will always deliver the best.
2. SEO is great
SEO is a must for every website, so you can be sure that you will enjoy top notch Search engine optimization if you choose WordPress. Precisely the fact that web developers work on it all the time, as mentioned earlier, makes it such a great platform to use for achieving great SEO results.
3. It can easily be used for e-commerce websites as well
Are you looking to start an online store? Then WordPress represents a great solution this time as well. Woo-commerce, which is WordPress’s eCommerce plugin, is exactly what you need to start a shop on the Internet fast and simple. It works very well regardless of the type of industry in which you activate, having only one limitation, and that is the fact that every product in your store should not have more than 50 variations, for example, colors.
4. Web development is affordable
Do you need something to be particularly developed for your website? Then do know that it will be very cheap to hire WordPress developers to complete the task for you in case you use WordPress. The small prices are given by the fact that WordPress is a platform very easy to work on, so your task will be completed very soon and with very little resources.
5. You have the power to do it yourself
One of the greatest parts of WordPress is that it allows website owners to make changes, updates, and various other operations easy and comfortably. You don’t have to have computer knowledge to handle WordPress, so don’t worry about this part. If you can handle Microsoft Word, then you’ll probably do just fine when wishing to update your WordPress website.
6. Google Analytics and WordPress tracking
Having an account on Google Analytics is a must because it shows you how people interact with your website. Well, WordPress works great with Google Analytics and has built-in tracking stats to help you out with the data you need. It also has a cookie creator and tracker, a tool that can help you tag your site’s visitors very easy if you use it right.
7. You’re ready to start in no time
If you are eager to start, building a website with WordPress will mean very little time for waiting. You will have your site ready in no time because it can easily sync with other third-party platform and its development is done with ease, even if you want something to be custom made for you and your business. With WordPress, you’ll get things rolling in the shortest time possible.
The CMS or Content Management System is highly useful for every website, because it allows you to change, add, or update the content, without having to be a web developer in order to do it. Yes
If you are looking for WordPress website development then give us a call at +1 (855) 984-1577 or you can drop us a mail at info@akshartechnologies.com for any query.